The Local History project is one of the global projects offered by IEARN(International Education and Resource Network).


Teacher  Prof. Cornelia Platon
iEARN Coordinator for Romania
Adobe Youth Voices Program Manager, Romania
"Alexandru Papiu Ilarian"High school , Dej,Romania
   High school  students from Dej, Romania are kindly sharing  some of the old traditions that are still preserved in some villages of Romania at Christmas and New Year. They are older than centuries and transmitted from generations to generations.  These are old traditions, and they are not practiced in towns, only in villages, in northern part of Romania.

                                  The Goat

Throughout the season, teenagers and young adults especially enjoy caroling with the "Goat". The "Goat" is actually a usually boisterous young person dressed up in a goat costume. The whole group dances through the streets and from door to door, often with flute music. This tradition comes from the ancient Roman people and it reminds us of the celebration of the ancient Greek gods.
                                   The Plough

Plugusorul (the little plough) is a small plough. In Romanian folklore there is a traditional procession with a decorated plough, on New Years' Eve. This is a well wishing custom for the field fruitfulness into the new year. This custom arises from "Carmen arvale", a Roman wish for bountiful crops.
The ploughmen are teenagers and children carrying whips, bells and pipes in their hands.

   11 grade students from Alexandru Papiu Ilarian” High school , Dej are kindly sharing some information about their home town. They love their town which they call a paradise and would like you to enjoy the beauty of their comunity.

Local History LAPI, Dej, Romania
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